Caras Galadhon

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Caras Galadhon
Region: Lothlórien
Location: [15S, 67W]
The highest flets of Caras Galadhon at night

Caras Galadhon is the great city of the Lothlórien elves [15S, 67W].

The city is built high in the largest golden-leafed mallorn trees of the Golden Wood, on various Telain or Flets. From the highest mallorn tree, Lady Galadriel and Celeborn rule their land from the House of Celeborn.

Gaining Access

  • To be allowed into the city, one must normally possess the Trusted in Caras Galadhon Characteristic. This entails achieving Friend reputation with the Galadhrim, which unlocks the Quest:The Paths of Caras Galadhon, and finally, completing that quest. This quest is only available if you have access to the questpack.
    • Note that completing Epic Volume II, Book 6, Chapter 9: The Mirror of Galadriel gives you 10,000 reputation with the Galadhrim. (Enough to go from Neutral to Acquaintance even if you have not gained any reputation with them so far.)
    • Numerous repeatable and non-repeatable quests in Lothlórien, outside of Caras Galadhon itself, then grant enough reputation to achieve Friend standing, and ultimately, access to the city itself.
  • Attempts to summon a character lacking the Trusted in Caras Galahdon characteristic, into Caras Galadhon, will fail with the message Target player lacks the ability to travel to the destination.. A Rally Horn (Simple Rally Horn or Lórien Rally Horn) used in such a failed attempt will not be consumed.
  • However, reaching A Chapter About Elves in The Ballad of Bingo Boffin will allow you to enter Caras Galadhon without Trusted in Caras Galadhon.


It is here where Gimli, Glóin's son first beheld the beauty of Lady Galadriel, and it is here where the Ring-Bearer and his companions took council with the Elves of Lórien.


Points of Interest

Quest Involvement

See Lothlórien Quests for a thorough list

Related quests that start or are found in this area include:




Click for larger image Topographic map of Caras Galadhon

Detail maps of Caras Galadhon

Caras Galadhon POIs


Click for larger image Topographic map of Lothlórien